Recommended Outline of the Training Report « International Affairs and Corporate Relations Division

Recommended Outline of the Training Report

posted on July 17, 2011

Recommended Outline of the Training Report

Note: You must prepare the cover letter in order to submit the report

Content in the Report:

Note:  Four important topics to be included

(1) Company/Organization Profile (Description)

  • Name, location, address, telephone no. and fax. no.
  • Products and services
  • Number of employees (approximate)
  • Organization Structure of the Company
  • Name of your supervisor
  • Size, Production Capacity, Annual Sales, etc.

(2) Training Program and Schedule

  • Activities from the first week to the last week.
  • Daily schedule may be included.

(3) Training Details & Discussions

  • Describe each activity or section work performed during the training.

(4)  Conclusion & Recommendations


General Requirements

  • Paper Size: A4 white papers
  • Margin:  Top 1.00”            Bottom 1.00”        Left 1.25”           Right 1.00”
  • Font and Font Size: Times New Roman, 11 points
  • Line Spacing: Single
  • Paragraph Indention: 0.5”
  • Justification: Both left and right
  • Page Number:
  • Bottom center of the page
    • Roman Numeral (i, ii, …)
      • Executive Summary, Acknowledgement and Table of Contents
    • Arabic Numeral (1, 2, …)
      • Main Text
  • Before the second-level heading, leave one blank line between the heading and the preceding paragraph.
  • After the second-level heading, start the text immediately on the next line.
  • The third-level heading and others will follow the rules for the second-level heading.
  • Do not leave a blank line between paragraphs.
  • Every table and figure must be cited in the text and they should appear as soon as possible after being referred to.
  • Every table and figure must be numbered and accompanied by appropriate table heading and figure legend.
  • The table heading must appear at the top of the table and must be centered.
  • Leave a blank line both before and after the table.
  • The figure legend must appear at the bottom of the figure and must be centered.
  • Leave a blank line both before and after the figure.
  • If the table (or figure) is to be placed horizontally (landscape style), align the table (or figure) such that the top of the table (or figure) is at the left edge of the paper.
  • Always start a new chapter on a new page.
  • When writing the Table of Contents, do not include it self in the listing.